The Syntax and Types of MinCaml

MinCaml is a subset of ML. Except for some details such as priority and parentheses, it has the following syntax.

e ::= expressions
  c constants
  op(e1, ..., en) primitive operations
  if e1 then e2 else e3 conditional branches
  let x = e1 in e2 variable definitions
  x variables
  let rec x y1 ... yn = e1 in e2 function definitions (mutually recursive)
  e e1 ... en function applications
  (e1, ..., en) tuple creations
  let (x1, ..., xn) = e1 in e2 read from tuples
  Array.create e1 e2 array creations
  e1.(e2) read from arrays
  e1.(e2) <- e3 write to arrays

It is expressed as ML data type Syntax.t in module Expressions (such as let and let rec) defining new variables also include their types, which are not shown above. Those types are expressed by Type.t, defined in

T ::= types
  π primitive types
  T1 -> ... -> Tn -> T function types
  T1 * ... * Tn tuple types
  T array array types
  α type variables

The last "type variables" will be used in type inference.

By the way, the MinCaml compiler does not automatically support so-called partial application of curried functions. That is, every function application needs all arguments at once. If you want partial application, you need to define the intermediate function by hand, like let rec f_123 x = f 123 x in f_123. (If you know the Scheme language, it is similar in this respect.)

Also, there are no "reference cells," which are necessary for imperative programming, but they can be substituted by arrays with only one element. Specifically, ref e can be substituted with Array.create 1 e, !e with e.(0), and e1 := e2 with e1.(0) <- e2.
