
val limit : int ref
val string : string -> unit
val file : string -> unit

let limit = ref 1000

let rec iter n e = (* 最適化処理をくりかえす *)
  Format.eprintf "iteration %d@." n;
  if n = 0 then e else
  let e' = Elim.f (ConstFold.f (Inline.f (Assoc.f (Beta.f e)))) in
  if e = e' then e else
  iter (n - 1) e'

let lexbuf outchan l = (* バッファをコンパイルしてチャンネルへ出力する *)
  Id.counter := 0;
  Typing.extenv := M.empty;
  Emit.f outchan
                (iter !limit
                            (Parser.exp Lexer.token l)))))))))

let string s = lexbuf stdout (Lexing.from_string s) (* 文字列をコンパイルして標準出力に表示する *)

let file f = (* ファイルをコンパイルしてファイルに出力する *)
  let inchan = open_in (f ^ ".ml") in
  let outchan = open_out (f ^ ".s") in
    lexbuf outchan (Lexing.from_channel inchan);
    close_in inchan;
    close_out outchan;
  with e -> (close_in inchan; close_out outchan; raise e)

let () = (* ここからコンパイラの実行が開始される *)
  let files = ref [] in
    [("-inline", Arg.Int(fun i -> Inline.threshold := i), "maximum size of functions inlined");
     ("-iter", Arg.Int(fun i -> limit := i), "maximum number of optimizations iterated")]
    (fun s -> files := !files @ [s])
    ("Mitou Min-Caml Compiler (C) Eijiro Sumii\n" ^
     Printf.sprintf "usage: %s [-inline m] [-iter n] ...filenames without \".ml\"..." Sys.argv.(0));
    (fun f -> ignore (file f))

type t = string (* 変数の名前 *)
type l = L of string (* トップレベル関数やグローバル配列のラベル *)

let rec pp_list = function
  | [] -> ""
  | [x] -> x
  | x :: xs -> x ^ " " ^ pp_list xs

let counter = ref 0
let genid s =
  incr counter;
  Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" s !counter

let rec id_of_typ = function
  | Type.Unit -> "u"
  | Type.Bool -> "b"
  | Type.Int -> "i"
  | Type.Float -> "d"
  | Type.Fun _ -> "f"
  | Type.Tuple _ -> "t"
  | Type.Array _ -> "a" 
  | Type.Var _ -> assert false
let gentmp typ =
  incr counter;
  Printf.sprintf "T%s%d" (id_of_typ typ) !counter

(* customized version of Map *)

module M =
      type t = Id.t
      let compare = compare
include M

let add_list xys env = List.fold_left (fun env (x, y) -> add x y env) env xys
let add_list2 xs ys env = List.fold_left2 (fun env x y -> add x y env) env xs ys

(* customized version of Set *)

module S =
      type t = Id.t
      let compare = compare
include S

let of_list l = List.fold_left (fun s e -> add e s) empty l

type t = (* MinCamlの構文を表現するデータ型 *)
  | Unit
  | Bool of bool
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Not of t
  | Neg of t
  | Add of t * t
  | Sub of t * t
  | FNeg of t
  | FAdd of t * t
  | FSub of t * t
  | FMul of t * t
  | FDiv of t * t
  | Eq of t * t
  | LE of t * t
  | If of t * t * t
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * t * t
  | Var of Id.t
  | LetRec of fundef * t
  | App of t * t list
  | Tuple of t list
  | LetTuple of (Id.t * Type.t) list * t * t
  | Array of t * t
  | Get of t * t
  | Put of t * t * t
and fundef = { name : Id.t * Type.t; args : (Id.t * Type.t) list; body : t }

type t = (* MinCamlの型を表現するデータ型 *)
  | Unit
  | Bool
  | Int
  | Float
  | Fun of t list * t (* arguments are uncurried *)
  | Tuple of t list
  | Array of t
  | Var of t option ref

let gentyp () = Var(ref None) (* 新しい型変数を作る *)


(* parserが利用する変数、関数、型などの定義 *)
open Syntax
let addtyp x = (x, Type.gentyp ())

/* (* 字句を表すデータ型の定義 *) */
%token <bool> BOOL
%token <int> INT
%token <float> FLOAT
%token NOT
%token MINUS
%token PLUS
%token MINUS_DOT
%token PLUS_DOT
%token AST_DOT
%token SLASH_DOT
%token EQUAL
%token LESS
%token GREATER
%token IF
%token THEN
%token ELSE
%token <Id.t> IDENT
%token LET
%token IN
%token REC
%token COMMA
%token DOT
%token LPAREN
%token RPAREN
%token EOF

/* (* 優先順位とassociativityの定義(低い方から高い方へ) *) */
%right prec_let
%right prec_if
%left COMMA
%right prec_unary_minus
%left prec_app
%left DOT

/* (* 開始記号の定義 *) */
%type <Syntax.t> exp
%start exp


simple_exp: /* (* 括弧をつけなくても関数の引数になれる式 *) */
    { $2 }
    { Unit }
    { Bool($1) }
    { Int($1) }
    { Float($1) }
    { Var($1) }
| simple_exp DOT LPAREN exp RPAREN
    { Get($1, $4) }

exp: /* (* 一般の式 *) */
| simple_exp
    { $1 }
| NOT exp
    %prec prec_app
    { Not($2) }
| MINUS exp
    %prec prec_unary_minus
    { match $2 with
    | Float(f) -> Float(-.f) (* -1.23などは型エラーではないので別扱い *)
    | e -> Neg(e) }
| exp PLUS exp /* (* 足し算を構文解析するルール *) */
    { Add($1, $3) }
| exp MINUS exp
    { Sub($1, $3) }
| exp EQUAL exp
    { Eq($1, $3) }
| exp LESS_GREATER exp
    { Not(Eq($1, $3)) }
| exp LESS exp
    { Not(LE($3, $1)) }
| exp GREATER exp
    { Not(LE($1, $3)) }
| exp LESS_EQUAL exp
    { LE($1, $3) }
    { LE($3, $1) }
| IF exp THEN exp ELSE exp
    %prec prec_if
    { If($2, $4, $6) }
    %prec prec_unary_minus
    { FNeg($2) }
| exp PLUS_DOT exp
    { FAdd($1, $3) }
| exp MINUS_DOT exp
    { FSub($1, $3) }
| exp AST_DOT exp
    { FMul($1, $3) }
| exp SLASH_DOT exp
    { FDiv($1, $3) }
    %prec prec_let
    { Let(addtyp $2, $4, $6) }
| LET REC fundef IN exp
    %prec prec_let
    { LetRec($3, $5) }
| exp actual_args
    %prec prec_app
    { App($1, $2) }
| elems
    { Tuple($1) }
    { LetTuple($3, $6, $8) }
| simple_exp DOT LPAREN exp RPAREN LESS_MINUS exp
    { Put($1, $4, $7) }
| exp SEMICOLON exp
    { Let((Id.gentmp Type.Unit, Type.Unit), $1, $3) }
| ARRAY_CREATE simple_exp simple_exp
    %prec prec_app
    { Array($2, $3) }
| error
    { failwith
        (Printf.sprintf "parse error near characters %d-%d"
           (Parsing.symbol_start ())
           (Parsing.symbol_end ())) }

| IDENT formal_args EQUAL exp
    { { name = addtyp $1; args = $2; body = $4 } }

| IDENT formal_args
    { addtyp $1 :: $2 }
    { [addtyp $1] }

| actual_args simple_exp
    %prec prec_app
    { $1 @ [$2] }
| simple_exp
    %prec prec_app
    { [$1] }

| elems COMMA exp
    { $1 @ [$3] }
| exp COMMA exp
    { [$1; $3] }

    { $1 @ [addtyp $3] }
    { [addtyp $1; addtyp $3] }


(* lexerが利用する変数、関数、型などの定義 *)
open Parser
open Type

(* 正規表現の略記 *)
let space = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let lower = ['a'-'z']
let upper = ['A'-'Z']

rule token = parse
| space+
    { token lexbuf }
| "(*"
    { comment lexbuf; (* ネストしたコメントのためのトリック *)
      token lexbuf }
| '('
    { LPAREN }
| ')'
    { RPAREN }
| "true"
    { BOOL(true) }
| "false"
    { BOOL(false) }
| "not"
    { NOT }
| digit+ (* 整数を字句解析するルール *)
    { INT(int_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
| digit+ ('.' digit*)? (['e' 'E'] ['+' '-']? digit+)?
    { FLOAT(float_of_string (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
| '-' (* -.より後回しにしなくても良い? 最長一致? *)
    { MINUS }
| '+' (* +.より後回しにしなくても良い? 最長一致? *)
    { PLUS }
| "-."
    { MINUS_DOT }
| "+."
    { PLUS_DOT }
| "*."
    { AST_DOT }
| "/."
    { SLASH_DOT }
| '='
    { EQUAL }
| "<>"
| "<="
    { LESS_EQUAL }
| ">="
| '<'
    { LESS }
| '>'
    { GREATER }
| "if"
    { IF }
| "then"
    { THEN }
| "else"
    { ELSE }
| "let"
    { LET }
| "in"
    { IN }
| "rec"
    { REC }
| ','
    { COMMA }
| '_'
    { IDENT(Id.gentmp Type.Unit) }
| "Array.create" (* [XX] ad hoc *)
| '.'
    { DOT }
| "<-"
    { LESS_MINUS }
| ';'
| eof
    { EOF }
| lower (digit|lower|upper|'_')* (* 他の「予約語」より後でないといけない *)
    { IDENT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| _
    { failwith
        (Printf.sprintf "unknown token %s near characters %d-%d"
           (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)
           (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf)
           (Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf)) }
and comment = parse
| "*)"
    { () }
| "(*"
    { comment lexbuf;
      comment lexbuf }
| eof
    { Format.eprintf "warning: unterminated comment@." }
| _
    { comment lexbuf }


exception Error of Syntax.t * Type.t * Type.t
val extenv : Type.t M.t ref
val f : Syntax.t -> Syntax.t

(* type inference/reconstruction *)

open Syntax

exception Unify of Type.t * Type.t
exception Error of t * Type.t * Type.t

let extenv = ref M.empty

(* for pretty printing (and type normalization) *)
let rec deref_typ = function (* 型変数を中身でおきかえる関数 *)
  | Type.Fun(t1s, t2) -> Type.Fun( deref_typ t1s, deref_typ t2)
  | Type.Tuple(ts) -> Type.Tuple( deref_typ ts)
  | Type.Array(t) -> Type.Array(deref_typ t)
  | Type.Var({ contents = None } as r) ->
      Format.eprintf "uninstantiated type variable detected; assuming int@.";
      r := Some(Type.Int);
  | Type.Var({ contents = Some(t) } as r) ->
      let t' = deref_typ t in
      r := Some(t');
  | t -> t
let rec deref_id_typ (x, t) = (x, deref_typ t)
let rec deref_term = function
  | Not(e) -> Not(deref_term e)
  | Neg(e) -> Neg(deref_term e)
  | Add(e1, e2) -> Add(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | Sub(e1, e2) -> Sub(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | Eq(e1, e2) -> Eq(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | LE(e1, e2) -> LE(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | FNeg(e) -> FNeg(deref_term e)
  | FAdd(e1, e2) -> FAdd(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | FSub(e1, e2) -> FSub(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | FMul(e1, e2) -> FMul(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | FDiv(e1, e2) -> FDiv(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | If(e1, e2, e3) -> If(deref_term e1, deref_term e2, deref_term e3)
  | Let(xt, e1, e2) -> Let(deref_id_typ xt, deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | LetRec({ name = xt; args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) ->
      LetRec({ name = deref_id_typ xt;
               args = deref_id_typ yts;
               body = deref_term e1 },
             deref_term e2)
  | App(e, es) -> App(deref_term e, deref_term es)
  | Tuple(es) -> Tuple( deref_term es)
  | LetTuple(xts, e1, e2) -> LetTuple( deref_id_typ xts, deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | Array(e1, e2) -> Array(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | Get(e1, e2) -> Get(deref_term e1, deref_term e2)
  | Put(e1, e2, e3) -> Put(deref_term e1, deref_term e2, deref_term e3)
  | e -> e

let rec occur r1 = function (* occur check *)
  | Type.Fun(t2s, t2) -> List.exists (occur r1) t2s || occur r1 t2
  | Type.Tuple(t2s) -> List.exists (occur r1) t2s
  | Type.Array(t2) -> occur r1 t2
  | Type.Var(r2) when r1 == r2 -> true
  | Type.Var({ contents = None }) -> false
  | Type.Var({ contents = Some(t2) }) -> occur r1 t2
  | _ -> false

let rec unify t1 t2 = (* 型が合うように、型変数への代入をする *)
  match t1, t2 with
  | Type.Unit, Type.Unit | Type.Bool, Type.Bool | Type.Int, Type.Int | Type.Float, Type.Float -> ()
  | Type.Fun(t1s, t1'), Type.Fun(t2s, t2') ->
      (try List.iter2 unify t1s t2s
      with Invalid_argument("List.iter2") -> raise (Unify(t1, t2)));
      unify t1' t2'
  | Type.Tuple(t1s), Type.Tuple(t2s) ->
      (try List.iter2 unify t1s t2s
      with Invalid_argument("List.iter2") -> raise (Unify(t1, t2)))
  | Type.Array(t1), Type.Array(t2) -> unify t1 t2
  | Type.Var(r1), Type.Var(r2) when r1 == r2 -> ()
  | Type.Var({ contents = Some(t1') }), _ -> unify t1' t2
  | _, Type.Var({ contents = Some(t2') }) -> unify t1 t2'
  | Type.Var({ contents = None } as r1), _ -> (* 一方が未定義の型変数の場合 *)
      if occur r1 t2 then raise (Unify(t1, t2));
      r1 := Some(t2)
  | _, Type.Var({ contents = None } as r2) ->
      if occur r2 t1 then raise (Unify(t1, t2));
      r2 := Some(t1)
  | _, _ -> raise (Unify(t1, t2))

let rec g env e = (* 型推論ルーチン *)
    match e with
    | Unit -> Type.Unit
    | Bool(_) -> Type.Bool
    | Int(_) -> Type.Int
    | Float(_) -> Type.Float
    | Not(e) ->
        unify Type.Bool (g env e);
    | Neg(e) ->
        unify Type.Int (g env e);
    | Add(e1, e2) | Sub(e1, e2) -> (* 足し算(と引き算)の型推論 *)
        unify Type.Int (g env e1);
        unify Type.Int (g env e2);
    | FNeg(e) ->
        unify Type.Float (g env e);
    | FAdd(e1, e2) | FSub(e1, e2) | FMul(e1, e2) | FDiv(e1, e2) ->
        unify Type.Float (g env e1);
        unify Type.Float (g env e2);
    | Eq(e1, e2) | LE(e1, e2) ->
        unify (g env e1) (g env e2);
    | If(e1, e2, e3) ->
        unify (g env e1) Type.Bool;
        let t2 = g env e2 in
        let t3 = g env e3 in
        unify t2 t3;
    | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> (* letの型推論 *)
        unify t (g env e1);
        g (M.add x t env) e2
    | Var(x) when M.mem x env -> M.find x env (* 変数の型推論 *)
    | Var(x) when M.mem x !extenv -> M.find x !extenv
    | Var(x) -> (* 外部変数の型推論 *)
        Format.eprintf "free variable %s assumed as external@." x;
        let t = Type.gentyp () in
        extenv := M.add x t !extenv;
    | LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) -> (* let recの型推論 *)
        let env = M.add x t env in
        unify t (Type.Fun( snd yts, g (M.add_list yts env) e1));
        g env e2
    | App(e, es) -> (* 関数適用の型推論 *)
        let t = Type.gentyp () in
        unify (g env e) (Type.Fun( (g env) es, t));
    | Tuple(es) -> Type.Tuple( (g env) es)
    | LetTuple(xts, e1, e2) ->
        unify (Type.Tuple( snd xts)) (g env e1);
        g (M.add_list xts env) e2
    | Array(e1, e2) -> (* must be a primitive for "polymorphic" typing *)
        unify (g env e1) Type.Int;
        Type.Array(g env e2)
    | Get(e1, e2) ->
        let t = Type.gentyp () in
        unify (Type.Array(t)) (g env e1);
        unify Type.Int (g env e2);
    | Put(e1, e2, e3) ->
        let t = g env e3 in
        unify (Type.Array(t)) (g env e1);
        unify Type.Int (g env e2);
  with Unify(t1, t2) -> raise (Error(deref_term e, deref_typ t1, deref_typ t2))

let f e =
  extenv := M.empty;
  (match deref_typ (g M.empty e) with
  | Type.Unit -> ()
  | _ -> Format.eprintf "warning: final result does not have type unit@.");
  (try unify Type.Unit (g M.empty e)
  with Unify _ -> failwith "top level does not have type unit");
  extenv := deref_typ !extenv;
  deref_term e


type t =
  | Unit
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Neg of Id.t
  | Add of Id.t * Id.t
  | Sub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FNeg of Id.t
  | FAdd of Id.t * Id.t
  | FSub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FMul of Id.t * Id.t
  | FDiv of Id.t * Id.t
  | IfEq of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | IfLE of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * t * t
  | Var of Id.t
  | LetRec of fundef * t
  | App of Id.t * Id.t list
  | Tuple of Id.t list
  | LetTuple of (Id.t * Type.t) list * Id.t * t
  | Get of Id.t * Id.t
  | Put of Id.t * Id.t * Id.t
  | ExtArray of Id.t
  | ExtFunApp of Id.t * Id.t list
and fundef = { name : Id.t * Type.t; args : (Id.t * Type.t) list; body : t }

val fv : t -> S.t
val f : Syntax.t -> t

(* give names to intermediate values (K-normalization) *)

type t = (* K正規化後の式 *)
  | Unit
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Neg of Id.t
  | Add of Id.t * Id.t
  | Sub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FNeg of Id.t
  | FAdd of Id.t * Id.t
  | FSub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FMul of Id.t * Id.t
  | FDiv of Id.t * Id.t
  | IfEq of Id.t * Id.t * t * t (* 比較 + 分岐 *)
  | IfLE of Id.t * Id.t * t * t (* 比較 + 分岐 *)
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * t * t
  | Var of Id.t
  | LetRec of fundef * t
  | App of Id.t * Id.t list
  | Tuple of Id.t list
  | LetTuple of (Id.t * Type.t) list * Id.t * t
  | Get of Id.t * Id.t
  | Put of Id.t * Id.t * Id.t
  | ExtArray of Id.t
  | ExtFunApp of Id.t * Id.t list
and fundef = { name : Id.t * Type.t; args : (Id.t * Type.t) list; body : t }

let rec fv = function (* 式に出現する(自由な)変数 *)
  | Unit | Int(_) | Float(_) | ExtArray(_) -> S.empty
  | Neg(x) | FNeg(x) -> S.singleton x
  | Add(x, y) | Sub(x, y) | FAdd(x, y) | FSub(x, y) | FMul(x, y) | FDiv(x, y) | Get(x, y) -> S.of_list [x; y]
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> S.add x (S.add y (S.union (fv e1) (fv e2)))
  | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> S.union (fv e1) (S.remove x (fv e2))
  | Var(x) -> S.singleton x
  | LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) ->
      let zs = S.diff (fv e1) (S.of_list ( fst yts)) in
      S.diff (S.union zs (fv e2)) (S.singleton x)
  | App(x, ys) -> S.of_list (x :: ys)
  | Tuple(xs) | ExtFunApp(_, xs) -> S.of_list xs
  | Put(x, y, z) -> S.of_list [x; y; z]
  | LetTuple(xs, y, e) -> S.add y (S.diff (fv e) (S.of_list ( fst xs)))

let insert_let (e, t) k = (* letを挿入する補助関数 *)
  match e with
  | Var(x) -> k x
  | _ ->
      let x = Id.gentmp t in
      let e', t' = k x in
      Let((x, t), e, e'), t'

let rec g env = function (* K正規化ルーチン本体 *)
  | Syntax.Unit -> Unit, Type.Unit
  | Syntax.Bool(b) -> Int(if b then 1 else 0), Type.Int (* 論理値true, falseを整数1, 0に変換 *)
  | Syntax.Int(i) -> Int(i), Type.Int
  | Syntax.Float(d) -> Float(d), Type.Float
  | Syntax.Not(e) -> g env (Syntax.If(e, Syntax.Bool(false), Syntax.Bool(true)))
  | Syntax.Neg(e) ->
      insert_let (g env e)
        (fun x -> Neg(x), Type.Int)
  | Syntax.Add(e1, e2) -> (* 足し算のK正規化 *)
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> Add(x, y), Type.Int))
  | Syntax.Sub(e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> Sub(x, y), Type.Int))
  | Syntax.FNeg(e) ->
      insert_let (g env e)
        (fun x -> FNeg(x), Type.Float)
  | Syntax.FAdd(e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> FAdd(x, y), Type.Float))
  | Syntax.FSub(e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> FSub(x, y), Type.Float))
  | Syntax.FMul(e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> FMul(x, y), Type.Float))
  | Syntax.FDiv(e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> FDiv(x, y), Type.Float))
  | Syntax.Eq _ | Syntax.LE _ as cmp ->
      g env (Syntax.If(cmp, Syntax.Bool(true), Syntax.Bool(false)))
  | Syntax.If(Syntax.Not(e1), e2, e3) -> g env (Syntax.If(e1, e3, e2)) (* notによる分岐を変換 *)
  | Syntax.If(Syntax.Eq(e1, e2), e3, e4) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y ->
              let e3', t3 = g env e3 in
              let e4', t4 = g env e4 in
              IfEq(x, y, e3', e4'), t3))
  | Syntax.If(Syntax.LE(e1, e2), e3, e4) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y ->
              let e3', t3 = g env e3 in
              let e4', t4 = g env e4 in
              IfLE(x, y, e3', e4'), t3))
  | Syntax.If(e1, e2, e3) -> g env (Syntax.If(Syntax.Eq(e1, Syntax.Bool(false)), e3, e2)) (* 比較のない分岐を変換 *)
  | Syntax.Let((x, t), e1, e2) ->
      let e1', t1 = g env e1 in
      let e2', t2 = g (M.add x t env) e2 in
      Let((x, t), e1', e2'), t2
  | Syntax.Var(x) when M.mem x env -> Var(x), M.find x env
  | Syntax.Var(x) -> (* 外部配列の参照 *)
      (match M.find x !Typing.extenv with
      | Type.Array(_) as t -> ExtArray x, t
      | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "external variable %s does not have an array type" x))
  | Syntax.LetRec({ = (x, t); Syntax.args = yts; Syntax.body = e1 }, e2) ->
      let env' = M.add x t env in
      let e2', t2 = g env' e2 in
      let e1', t1 = g (M.add_list yts env') e1 in
      LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = e1' }, e2'), t2
  | Syntax.App(Syntax.Var(f), e2s) when not (M.mem f env) -> (* 外部関数の呼び出し *)
      (match M.find f !Typing.extenv with
      | Type.Fun(_, t) ->
          let rec bind xs = function (* "xs" are identifiers for the arguments *)
            | [] -> ExtFunApp(f, xs), t
            | e2 :: e2s ->
                insert_let (g env e2)
                  (fun x -> bind (xs @ [x]) e2s) in
          bind [] e2s (* left-to-right evaluation *)
      | _ -> assert false)
  | Syntax.App(e1, e2s) ->
      (match g env e1 with
      | _, Type.Fun(_, t) as g_e1 ->
          insert_let g_e1
            (fun f ->
              let rec bind xs = function (* "xs" are identifiers for the arguments *)
                | [] -> App(f, xs), t
                | e2 :: e2s ->
                    insert_let (g env e2)
                      (fun x -> bind (xs @ [x]) e2s) in
              bind [] e2s) (* left-to-right evaluation *)
      | _ -> assert false)
  | Syntax.Tuple(es) ->
      let rec bind xs ts = function (* "xs" and "ts" are identifiers and types for the elements *)
        | [] -> Tuple(xs), Type.Tuple(ts)
        | e :: es ->
            let _, t as g_e = g env e in
            insert_let g_e
              (fun x -> bind (xs @ [x]) (ts @ [t]) es) in
      bind [] [] es
  | Syntax.LetTuple(xts, e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun y ->
          let e2', t2 = g (M.add_list xts env) e2 in
          LetTuple(xts, y, e2'), t2)
  | Syntax.Array(e1, e2) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x ->
          let _, t2 as g_e2 = g env e2 in
          insert_let g_e2
            (fun y ->
              let l =
                match t2 with
                | Type.Float -> "create_float_array"
                | _ -> "create_array" in
              ExtFunApp(l, [x; y]), Type.Array(t2)))
  | Syntax.Get(e1, e2) ->
      (match g env e1 with
      |        _, Type.Array(t) as g_e1 ->
          insert_let g_e1
            (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
                (fun y -> Get(x, y), t))
      | _ -> assert false)
  | Syntax.Put(e1, e2, e3) ->
      insert_let (g env e1)
        (fun x -> insert_let (g env e2)
            (fun y -> insert_let (g env e3)
                (fun z -> Put(x, y, z), Type.Unit)))

let f e = fst (g M.empty e)


val f : KNormal.t -> KNormal.t
val g : Id.t M.t -> KNormal.t -> KNormal.t (* for Inline.g *)

(* rename identifiers to make them unique (alpha-conversion) *)

open KNormal

let find x env = try M.find x env with Not_found -> x

let rec g env = function (* α変換ルーチン本体 *)
  | Unit -> Unit
  | Int(i) -> Int(i)
  | Float(d) -> Float(d)
  | Neg(x) -> Neg(find x env)
  | Add(x, y) -> Add(find x env, find y env)
  | Sub(x, y) -> Sub(find x env, find y env)
  | FNeg(x) -> FNeg(find x env)
  | FAdd(x, y) -> FAdd(find x env, find y env)
  | FSub(x, y) -> FSub(find x env, find y env)
  | FMul(x, y) -> FMul(find x env, find y env)
  | FDiv(x, y) -> FDiv(find x env, find y env)
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(find x env, find y env, g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(find x env, find y env, g env e1, g env e2)
  | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> (* letのα変換 *)
      let x' = Id.genid x in
      Let((x', t), g env e1, g (M.add x x' env) e2)
  | Var(x) -> Var(find x env)
  | LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) -> (* let recのα変換 *)
      let env = M.add x (Id.genid x) env in
      let ys = fst yts in
      let env' = M.add_list2 ys ( Id.genid ys) env in
      LetRec({ name = (find x env, t);
               args = (fun (y, t) -> (find y env', t)) yts;
               body = g env' e1 },
             g env e2)
  | App(x, ys) -> App(find x env, (fun y -> find y env) ys)
  | Tuple(xs) -> Tuple( (fun x -> find x env) xs)
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> (* LetTupleのα変換 *)
      let xs = fst xts in
      let env' = M.add_list2 xs ( Id.genid xs) env in
      LetTuple( (fun (x, t) -> (find x env', t)) xts,
               find y env,
               g env' e)
  | Get(x, y) -> Get(find x env, find y env)
  | Put(x, y, z) -> Put(find x env, find y env, find z env)
  | ExtArray(x) -> ExtArray(x)
  | ExtFunApp(x, ys) -> ExtFunApp(x, (fun y -> find y env) ys)

let f = g M.empty


val f : KNormal.t -> KNormal.t

open KNormal

let find x env = try M.find x env with Not_found -> x (* 置換のための関数 *)

let rec g env = function (* β簡約ルーチン本体 *)
  | Unit -> Unit
  | Int(i) -> Int(i)
  | Float(d) -> Float(d)
  | Neg(x) -> Neg(find x env)
  | Add(x, y) -> Add(find x env, find y env)
  | Sub(x, y) -> Sub(find x env, find y env)
  | FNeg(x) -> FNeg(find x env)
  | FAdd(x, y) -> FAdd(find x env, find y env)
  | FSub(x, y) -> FSub(find x env, find y env)
  | FMul(x, y) -> FMul(find x env, find y env)
  | FDiv(x, y) -> FDiv(find x env, find y env)
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(find x env, find y env, g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(find x env, find y env, g env e1, g env e2)
  | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> (* letのβ簡約 *)
      (match g env e1 with
      | Var(y) ->
          Format.eprintf "beta-reducing %s = %s@." x y;
          g (M.add x y env) e2
      | e1' ->
          let e2' = g env e2 in
          Let((x, t), e1', e2'))
  | LetRec({ name = xt; args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) ->
      LetRec({ name = xt; args = yts; body = g env e1 }, g env e2)
  | Var(x) -> Var(find x env) (* 変数を置換 *)
  | Tuple(xs) -> Tuple( (fun x -> find x env) xs)
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> LetTuple(xts, find y env, g env e)
  | Get(x, y) -> Get(find x env, find y env)
  | Put(x, y, z) -> Put(find x env, find y env, find z env)
  | App(g, xs) -> App(find g env, (fun x -> find x env) xs)
  | ExtArray(x) -> ExtArray(x)
  | ExtFunApp(x, ys) -> ExtFunApp(x, (fun y -> find y env) ys)

let f = g M.empty


val f : KNormal.t -> KNormal.t

(* flatten let-bindings (just for prettier printing) *)

open KNormal

let rec f = function (* ネストしたletの簡約 *)
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(x, y, f e1, f e2)
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(x, y, f e1, f e2)
  | Let(xt, e1, e2) -> (* letの場合 *)
      let rec insert = function
        | Let(yt, e3, e4) -> Let(yt, e3, insert e4)
        | LetRec(fundefs, e) -> LetRec(fundefs, insert e)
        | LetTuple(yts, z, e) -> LetTuple(yts, z, insert e)
        | e -> Let(xt, e, f e2) in
      insert (f e1)
  | LetRec({ name = xt; args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) ->
      LetRec({ name = xt; args = yts; body = f e1 }, f e2)
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> LetTuple(xts, y, f e)
  | e -> e


val threshold : int ref
val f : KNormal.t -> KNormal.t

open KNormal

(* インライン展開する関数の最大サイズ *)
let threshold = ref 0 (* Mainで-inlineオプションによりセットされる *)

let rec size = function
  | IfEq(_, _, e1, e2) | IfLE(_, _, e1, e2)
  | Let(_, e1, e2) | LetRec({ body = e1 }, e2) -> 1 + size e1 + size e2
  | LetTuple(_, _, e) -> 1 + size e
  | _ -> 1

let rec g env = function (* インライン展開ルーチン本体 *)
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(x, y, g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(x, y, g env e1, g env e2)
  | Let(xt, e1, e2) -> Let(xt, g env e1, g env e2)
  | LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) -> (* 関数定義の場合 *)
      let env = if size e1 > !threshold then env else M.add x (yts, e1) env in
      LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = g env e1}, g env e2)
  | App(x, ys) when M.mem x env -> (* 関数適用の場合 *)
      let (zs, e) = M.find x env in
      Format.eprintf "inlining %s@." x;
      let env' =
          (fun env' (z, t) y -> M.add z y env')
          ys in
      Alpha.g env' e
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> LetTuple(xts, y, g env e)
  | e -> e

let f e = g M.empty e


val f : KNormal.t -> KNormal.t

open KNormal

let memi x env =
  try (match M.find x env with Int(_) -> true | _ -> false)
  with Not_found -> false
let memf x env =
  try (match M.find x env with Float(_) -> true | _ -> false)
  with Not_found -> false
let memt x env =
  try (match M.find x env with Tuple(_) -> true | _ -> false)
  with Not_found -> false

let findi x env = (match M.find x env with Int(i) -> i | _ -> raise Not_found)
let findf x env = (match M.find x env with Float(d) -> d | _ -> raise Not_found)
let findt x env = (match M.find x env with Tuple(ys) -> ys | _ -> raise Not_found)

let rec g env = function (* 定数畳み込みルーチン本体 *)
  | Var(x) when memi x env -> Int(findi x env)
  (* | Var(x) when memf x env -> Float(findf x env) *)
  (* | Var(x) when memt x env -> Tuple(findt x env) *)
  | Neg(x) when memi x env -> Int(-(findi x env))
  | Add(x, y) when memi x env && memi y env -> Int(findi x env + findi y env) (* 足し算のケース *)
  | Sub(x, y) when memi x env && memi y env -> Int(findi x env - findi y env)
  | FNeg(x) when memf x env -> Float(-.(findf x env))
  | FAdd(x, y) when memf x env && memf y env -> Float(findf x env +. findf y env)
  | FSub(x, y) when memf x env && memf y env -> Float(findf x env -. findf y env)
  | FMul(x, y) when memf x env && memf y env -> Float(findf x env *. findf y env)
  | FDiv(x, y) when memf x env && memf y env -> Float(findf x env /. findf y env)
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) when memi x env && memi y env -> if findi x env = findi y env then g env e1 else g env e2
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) when memf x env && memf y env -> if findf x env = findf y env then g env e1 else g env e2
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(x, y, g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) when memi x env && memi y env -> if findi x env <= findi y env then g env e1 else g env e2
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) when memf x env && memf y env -> if findf x env <= findf y env then g env e1 else g env e2
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(x, y, g env e1, g env e2)
  | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> (* letのケース *)
      let e1' = g env e1 in
      let e2' = g (M.add x e1' env) e2 in
      Let((x, t), e1', e2')
  | LetRec({ name = x; args = ys; body = e1 }, e2) ->
      LetRec({ name = x; args = ys; body = g env e1 }, g env e2)
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) when memt y env ->
        (fun e' xt z -> Let(xt, Var(z), e'))
        (g env e)
        (findt y env)
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> LetTuple(xts, y, g env e)
  | e -> e

let f = g M.empty


val f : KNormal.t -> KNormal.t

open KNormal

let rec effect = function (* 副作用の有無 *)
  | Let(_, e1, e2) | IfEq(_, _, e1, e2) | IfLE(_, _, e1, e2) -> effect e1 || effect e2
  | LetRec(_, e) | LetTuple(_, _, e) -> effect e
  | App _ | Put _ | ExtFunApp _ -> true
  | _ -> false

let rec f = function (* 不要定義削除ルーチン本体 *)
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(x, y, f e1, f e2)
  | IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(x, y, f e1, f e2)
  | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> (* letの場合 *)
      let e1' = f e1 in
      let e2' = f e2 in
      if effect e1' || S.mem x (fv e2') then Let((x, t), e1', e2') else
      (Format.eprintf "eliminating variable %s@." x;
  | LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = e1 }, e2) -> (* let recの場合 *)
      let e2' = f e2 in
      if S.mem x (fv e2') then
        LetRec({ name = (x, t); args = yts; body = f e1 }, e2')
        (Format.eprintf "eliminating function %s@." x;
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) ->
      let xs = fst xts in
      let e' = f e in
      let live = fv e' in
      if List.exists (fun x -> S.mem x live) xs then LetTuple(xts, y, e') else
      (Format.eprintf "eliminating variables %s@." (Id.pp_list xs);
  | e -> e


type closure = { entry : Id.l; actual_fv : Id.t list }
type t =
  | Unit
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Neg of Id.t
  | Add of Id.t * Id.t
  | Sub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FNeg of Id.t
  | FAdd of Id.t * Id.t
  | FSub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FMul of Id.t * Id.t
  | FDiv of Id.t * Id.t
  | IfEq of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | IfLE of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * t * t
  | Var of Id.t
  | MakeCls of (Id.t * Type.t) * closure * t
  | AppCls of Id.t * Id.t list
  | AppDir of Id.l * Id.t list
  | Tuple of Id.t list
  | LetTuple of (Id.t * Type.t) list * Id.t * t
  | Get of Id.t * Id.t
  | Put of Id.t * Id.t * Id.t
  | ExtArray of Id.l
type fundef = { name : Id.l * Type.t;
                args : (Id.t * Type.t) list;
                formal_fv : (Id.t * Type.t) list;
                body : t }
type prog = Prog of fundef list * t

val fv : t -> S.t
val f : KNormal.t -> prog

type closure = { entry : Id.l; actual_fv : Id.t list }
type t = (* クロージャ変換後の式 *)
  | Unit
  | Int of int
  | Float of float
  | Neg of Id.t
  | Add of Id.t * Id.t
  | Sub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FNeg of Id.t
  | FAdd of Id.t * Id.t
  | FSub of Id.t * Id.t
  | FMul of Id.t * Id.t
  | FDiv of Id.t * Id.t
  | IfEq of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | IfLE of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * t * t
  | Var of Id.t
  | MakeCls of (Id.t * Type.t) * closure * t
  | AppCls of Id.t * Id.t list
  | AppDir of Id.l * Id.t list
  | Tuple of Id.t list
  | LetTuple of (Id.t * Type.t) list * Id.t * t
  | Get of Id.t * Id.t
  | Put of Id.t * Id.t * Id.t
  | ExtArray of Id.l
type fundef = { name : Id.l * Type.t;
                args : (Id.t * Type.t) list;
                formal_fv : (Id.t * Type.t) list;
                body : t }
type prog = Prog of fundef list * t

let rec fv = function
  | Unit | Int(_) | Float(_) | ExtArray(_) -> S.empty
  | Neg(x) | FNeg(x) -> S.singleton x
  | Add(x, y) | Sub(x, y) | FAdd(x, y) | FSub(x, y) | FMul(x, y) | FDiv(x, y) | Get(x, y) -> S.of_list [x; y]
  | IfEq(x, y, e1, e2)| IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> S.add x (S.add y (S.union (fv e1) (fv e2)))
  | Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> S.union (fv e1) (S.remove x (fv e2))
  | Var(x) -> S.singleton x
  | MakeCls((x, t), { entry = l; actual_fv = ys }, e) -> S.remove x (S.union (S.of_list ys) (fv e))
  | AppCls(x, ys) -> S.of_list (x :: ys)
  | AppDir(_, xs) | Tuple(xs) -> S.of_list xs
  | LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> S.add y (S.diff (fv e) (S.of_list ( fst xts)))
  | Put(x, y, z) -> S.of_list [x; y; z]

let toplevel : fundef list ref = ref []

let rec g env known = function (* クロージャ変換ルーチン本体 *)
  | KNormal.Unit -> Unit
  | KNormal.Int(i) -> Int(i)
  | KNormal.Float(d) -> Float(d)
  | KNormal.Neg(x) -> Neg(x)
  | KNormal.Add(x, y) -> Add(x, y)
  | KNormal.Sub(x, y) -> Sub(x, y)
  | KNormal.FNeg(x) -> FNeg(x)
  | KNormal.FAdd(x, y) -> FAdd(x, y)
  | KNormal.FSub(x, y) -> FSub(x, y)
  | KNormal.FMul(x, y) -> FMul(x, y)
  | KNormal.FDiv(x, y) -> FDiv(x, y)
  | KNormal.IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfEq(x, y, g env known e1, g env known e2)
  | KNormal.IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfLE(x, y, g env known e1, g env known e2)
  | KNormal.Let((x, t), e1, e2) -> Let((x, t), g env known e1, g (M.add x t env) known e2)
  | KNormal.Var(x) -> Var(x)
  | KNormal.LetRec({ = (x, t); KNormal.args = yts; KNormal.body = e1 }, e2) -> (* 関数定義の場合 *)
      (* 関数定義let rec x y1 ... yn = e1 in e2の場合は、
         と仮定し、knownに追加してe1をクロージャ変換してみる *)
      let toplevel_backup = !toplevel in
      let env' = M.add x t env in
      let known' = S.add x known in
      let e1' = g (M.add_list yts env') known' e1 in
      (* 本当に自由変数がなかったか、変換結果e1'を確認する *)
      (* 注意: e1'にx自身が変数として出現する場合はclosureが必要!
         (thanks to nuevo-namasute and azounoman; test/cls-bug2.ml参照) *)
      let zs = S.diff (fv e1') (S.of_list ( fst yts)) in
      let known', e1' =
        if S.is_empty zs then known', e1' else
        (* 駄目だったら状態(toplevelの値)を戻して、クロージャ変換をやり直す *)
        (Format.eprintf "free variable(s) %s found in function %s@." (Id.pp_list (S.elements zs)) x;
         Format.eprintf "function %s cannot be directly applied in fact@." x;
         toplevel := toplevel_backup;
         let e1' = g (M.add_list yts env') known e1 in
         known, e1') in
      let zs = S.elements (S.diff (fv e1') (S.add x (S.of_list ( fst yts)))) in (* 自由変数のリスト *)
      let zts = (fun z -> (z, M.find z env')) zs in (* ここで自由変数zの型を引くために引数envが必要 *)
      toplevel := { name = (Id.L(x), t); args = yts; formal_fv = zts; body = e1' } :: !toplevel; (* トップレベル関数を追加 *)
      let e2' = g env' known' e2 in
      if S.mem x (fv e2') then (* xが変数としてe2'に出現するか *)
        MakeCls((x, t), { entry = Id.L(x); actual_fv = zs }, e2') (* 出現していたら削除しない *)
        (Format.eprintf "eliminating closure(s) %s@." x;
         e2') (* 出現しなければMakeClsを削除 *)
  | KNormal.App(x, ys) when S.mem x known -> (* 関数適用の場合 *)
      Format.eprintf "directly applying %s@." x;
      AppDir(Id.L(x), ys)
  | KNormal.App(f, xs) -> AppCls(f, xs)
  | KNormal.Tuple(xs) -> Tuple(xs)
  | KNormal.LetTuple(xts, y, e) -> LetTuple(xts, y, g (M.add_list xts env) known e)
  | KNormal.Get(x, y) -> Get(x, y)
  | KNormal.Put(x, y, z) -> Put(x, y, z)
  | KNormal.ExtArray(x) -> ExtArray(Id.L(x))
  | KNormal.ExtFunApp(x, ys) -> AppDir(Id.L("min_caml_" ^ x), ys)

let f e =
  toplevel := [];
  let e' = g M.empty S.empty e in
  Prog(List.rev !toplevel, e')


type id_or_imm = V of Id.t | C of int
type t =
  | Ans of exp
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * exp * t
and exp =
  | Nop
  | Set of int
  | SetL of Id.l
  | Mov of Id.t
  | Neg of Id.t
  | Add of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | Sub of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | SLL of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | Ld of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | St of Id.t * Id.t * id_or_imm
  | FMovD of Id.t
  | FNegD of Id.t
  | FAddD of Id.t * Id.t
  | FSubD of Id.t * Id.t
  | FMulD of Id.t * Id.t
  | FDivD of Id.t * Id.t
  | LdDF of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | StDF of Id.t * Id.t * id_or_imm
  | Comment of string
  (* virtual instructions *)
  | IfEq of Id.t * id_or_imm * t * t
  | IfLE of Id.t * id_or_imm * t * t
  | IfGE of Id.t * id_or_imm * t * t
  | IfFEq of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | IfFLE of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  (* closure address, integer arguments, and float arguments *)
  | CallCls of Id.t * Id.t list * Id.t list
  | CallDir of Id.l * Id.t list * Id.t list
  | Save of Id.t * Id.t (* レジスタ変数の値をスタック変数へ保存 *)
  | Restore of Id.t (* スタック変数から値を復元 *)
type fundef = { name : Id.l; args : Id.t list; fargs : Id.t list; body : t; ret : Type.t }
type prog = Prog of (Id.l * float) list * fundef list * t

val fletd : Id.t * exp * t -> t (* shorthand of Let for float *)
val seq : exp * t -> t (* shorthand of Let for unit *)

val regs : Id.t array
val fregs : Id.t array
val allregs : Id.t list
val allfregs : Id.t list
val reg_cl : Id.t
val reg_sw : Id.t
val reg_fsw : Id.t
val reg_ra : Id.t
val reg_hp : Id.t
val reg_sp : Id.t
val is_reg : Id.t -> bool
val co_freg : Id.t -> Id.t

val fv : t -> Id.t list
val concat : t -> Id.t * Type.t -> t -> t

val align : int -> int

(* SPARC assembly with a few virtual instructions *)

type id_or_imm = V of Id.t | C of int
type t = (* 命令の列 *)
  | Ans of exp
  | Let of (Id.t * Type.t) * exp * t
and exp = (* 一つ一つの命令に対応する式 *)
  | Nop
  | Set of int
  | SetL of Id.l
  | Mov of Id.t
  | Neg of Id.t
  | Add of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | Sub of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | SLL of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | Ld of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | St of Id.t * Id.t * id_or_imm
  | FMovD of Id.t
  | FNegD of Id.t
  | FAddD of Id.t * Id.t
  | FSubD of Id.t * Id.t
  | FMulD of Id.t * Id.t
  | FDivD of Id.t * Id.t
  | LdDF of Id.t * id_or_imm
  | StDF of Id.t * Id.t * id_or_imm
  | Comment of string
  (* virtual instructions *)
  | IfEq of Id.t * id_or_imm * t * t
  | IfLE of Id.t * id_or_imm * t * t
  | IfGE of Id.t * id_or_imm * t * t (* 左右対称ではないので必要 *)
  | IfFEq of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  | IfFLE of Id.t * Id.t * t * t
  (* closure address, integer arguments, and float arguments *)
  | CallCls of Id.t * Id.t list * Id.t list
  | CallDir of Id.l * Id.t list * Id.t list
  | Save of Id.t * Id.t (* レジスタ変数の値をスタック変数へ保存 *)
  | Restore of Id.t (* スタック変数から値を復元 *)
type fundef = { name : Id.l; args : Id.t list; fargs : Id.t list; body : t; ret : Type.t }
(* プログラム全体 = 浮動小数点数テーブル + トップレベル関数 + メインの式 *)
type prog = Prog of (Id.l * float) list * fundef list * t

let fletd(x, e1, e2) = Let((x, Type.Float), e1, e2)
let seq(e1, e2) = Let((Id.gentmp Type.Unit, Type.Unit), e1, e2)

let regs = (* Array.init 16 (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%%r%d" i) *)
  [| "%i2"; "%i3"; "%i4"; "%i5";
     "%l0"; "%l1"; "%l2"; "%l3"; "%l4"; "%l5"; "%l6"; "%l7";
     "%o0"; "%o1"; "%o2"; "%o3"; "%o4"; "%o5" |]
let fregs = Array.init 16 (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%%f%d" (i * 2))
let allregs = Array.to_list regs
let allfregs = Array.to_list fregs
let reg_cl = regs.(Array.length regs - 1) (* closure address *)
let reg_sw = regs.(Array.length regs - 2) (* temporary for swap *)
let reg_fsw = fregs.(Array.length fregs - 1) (* temporary for swap *)
let reg_sp = "%i0" (* stack pointer *)
let reg_hp = "%i1" (* heap pointer *)
let reg_ra = "%o7" (* return address *)
let is_reg x = (x.[0] = '%')
let co_freg_table =
  let ht = Hashtbl.create 16 in
  for i = 0 to 15 do
      (Printf.sprintf "%%f%d" (i * 2))
      (Printf.sprintf "%%f%d" (i * 2 + 1))
let co_freg freg = Hashtbl.find co_freg_table freg (* "companion" freg *)

(* super-tenuki *)
let rec remove_and_uniq xs = function
  | [] -> []
  | x :: ys when S.mem x xs -> remove_and_uniq xs ys
  | x :: ys -> x :: remove_and_uniq (S.add x xs) ys

(* free variables in the order of use (for spilling) *)
let fv_id_or_imm = function V(x) -> [x] | _ -> []
let rec fv_exp = function
  | Nop | Set(_) | SetL(_) | Comment(_) | Restore(_) -> []
  | Mov(x) | Neg(x) | FMovD(x) | FNegD(x) | Save(x, _) -> [x]
  | Add(x, y') | Sub(x, y') | SLL(x, y') | Ld(x, y') | LdDF(x, y') -> x :: fv_id_or_imm y'
  | St(x, y, z') | StDF(x, y, z') -> x :: y :: fv_id_or_imm z'
  | FAddD(x, y) | FSubD(x, y) | FMulD(x, y) | FDivD(x, y) -> [x; y]
  | IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) | IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) | IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) -> x :: fv_id_or_imm y' @ remove_and_uniq S.empty (fv e1 @ fv e2) (* uniq here just for efficiency *)
  | IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) | IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> x :: y :: remove_and_uniq S.empty (fv e1 @ fv e2) (* uniq here just for efficiency *)
  | CallCls(x, ys, zs) -> x :: ys @ zs
  | CallDir(_, ys, zs) -> ys @ zs
and fv = function
  | Ans(exp) -> fv_exp exp
  | Let((x, t), exp, e) ->
      fv_exp exp @ remove_and_uniq (S.singleton x) (fv e)
let fv e = remove_and_uniq S.empty (fv e)

let rec concat e1 xt e2 =
  match e1 with
  | Ans(exp) -> Let(xt, exp, e2)
  | Let(yt, exp, e1') -> Let(yt, exp, concat e1' xt e2)

let align i = (if i mod 8 = 0 then i else i + 4)


val f : Closure.prog -> Asm.prog

(* translation into SPARC assembly with infinite number of virtual registers *)

open Asm

let data = ref [] (* 浮動小数点数の定数テーブル *)

let classify xts ini addf addi =
    (fun acc (x, t) ->
      match t with
      | Type.Unit -> acc
      | Type.Float -> addf acc x
      | _ -> addi acc x t)

let separate xts =
    ([], [])
    (fun (int, float) x -> (int, float @ [x]))
    (fun (int, float) x _ -> (int @ [x], float))

let expand xts ini addf addi =
    (fun (offset, acc) x ->
      let offset = align offset in
      (offset + 8, addf x offset acc))
    (fun (offset, acc) x t ->
      (offset + 4, addi x t offset acc))

let rec g env = function (* 式の仮想マシンコード生成 *)
  | Closure.Unit -> Ans(Nop)
  | Closure.Int(i) -> Ans(Set(i))
  | Closure.Float(d) ->
      let l =
          (* すでに定数テーブルにあったら再利用 *)
          let (l, _) = List.find (fun (_, d') -> d = d') !data in
        with Not_found ->
          let l = Id.L(Id.genid "l") in
          data := (l, d) :: !data;
          l in
      let x = Id.genid "l" in
      Let((x, Type.Int), SetL(l), Ans(LdDF(x, C(0))))
  | Closure.Neg(x) -> Ans(Neg(x))
  | Closure.Add(x, y) -> Ans(Add(x, V(y)))
  | Closure.Sub(x, y) -> Ans(Sub(x, V(y)))
  | Closure.FNeg(x) -> Ans(FNegD(x))
  | Closure.FAdd(x, y) -> Ans(FAddD(x, y))
  | Closure.FSub(x, y) -> Ans(FSubD(x, y))
  | Closure.FMul(x, y) -> Ans(FMulD(x, y))
  | Closure.FDiv(x, y) -> Ans(FDivD(x, y))
  | Closure.IfEq(x, y, e1, e2) ->
      (match M.find x env with
      | Type.Bool | Type.Int -> Ans(IfEq(x, V(y), g env e1, g env e2))
      | Type.Float -> Ans(IfFEq(x, y, g env e1, g env e2))
      | _ -> failwith "equality supported only for bool, int, and float")
  | Closure.IfLE(x, y, e1, e2) ->
      (match M.find x env with
      | Type.Bool | Type.Int -> Ans(IfLE(x, V(y), g env e1, g env e2))
      | Type.Float -> Ans(IfFLE(x, y, g env e1, g env e2))
      | _ -> failwith "inequality supported only for bool, int, and float")
  | Closure.Let((x, t1), e1, e2) ->
      let e1' = g env e1 in
      let e2' = g (M.add x t1 env) e2 in
      concat e1' (x, t1) e2'
  | Closure.Var(x) ->
      (match M.find x env with
      | Type.Unit -> Ans(Nop)
      | Type.Float -> Ans(FMovD(x))
      | _ -> Ans(Mov(x)))
  | Closure.MakeCls((x, t), { Closure.entry = l; Closure.actual_fv = ys }, e2) -> (* クロージャの生成 *)
      (* Closureのアドレスをセットしてから、自由変数の値をストア *)
      let e2' = g (M.add x t env) e2 in
      let offset, store_fv =
          ( (fun y -> (y, M.find y env)) ys)
          (4, e2')
          (fun y offset store_fv -> seq(StDF(y, x, C(offset)), store_fv))
          (fun y _ offset store_fv -> seq(St(y, x, C(offset)), store_fv)) in
      Let((x, t), Mov(reg_hp),
          Let((reg_hp, Type.Int), Add(reg_hp, C(align offset)),
              let z = Id.genid "l" in
              Let((z, Type.Int), SetL(l),
                  seq(St(z, x, C(0)),
  | Closure.AppCls(x, ys) ->
      let (int, float) = separate ( (fun y -> (y, M.find y env)) ys) in
      Ans(CallCls(x, int, float))
  | Closure.AppDir(Id.L(x), ys) ->
      let (int, float) = separate ( (fun y -> (y, M.find y env)) ys) in
      Ans(CallDir(Id.L(x), int, float))
  | Closure.Tuple(xs) -> (* 組の生成 *)
      let y = Id.genid "t" in
      let (offset, store) =
          ( (fun x -> (x, M.find x env)) xs)
          (0, Ans(Mov(y)))
          (fun x offset store -> seq(StDF(x, y, C(offset)), store))
          (fun x _ offset store -> seq(St(x, y, C(offset)), store)) in
      Let((y, Type.Tuple( (fun x -> M.find x env) xs)), Mov(reg_hp),
          Let((reg_hp, Type.Int), Add(reg_hp, C(align offset)),
  | Closure.LetTuple(xts, y, e2) ->
      let s = Closure.fv e2 in
      let (offset, load) =
          (0, g (M.add_list xts env) e2)
          (fun x offset load ->
            if not (S.mem x s) then load else (* [XX] a little ad hoc optimization *)
            fletd(x, LdDF(y, C(offset)), load))
          (fun x t offset load ->
            if not (S.mem x s) then load else (* [XX] a little ad hoc optimization *)
            Let((x, t), Ld(y, C(offset)), load)) in
  | Closure.Get(x, y) -> (* 配列の読み出し *)
      let offset = Id.genid "o" in
      (match M.find x env with
      | Type.Array(Type.Unit) -> Ans(Nop)
      | Type.Array(Type.Float) ->
          Let((offset, Type.Int), SLL(y, C(3)),
              Ans(LdDF(x, V(offset))))
      | Type.Array(_) ->
          Let((offset, Type.Int), SLL(y, C(2)),
              Ans(Ld(x, V(offset))))
      | _ -> assert false)
  | Closure.Put(x, y, z) ->
      let offset = Id.genid "o" in
      (match M.find x env with
      | Type.Array(Type.Unit) -> Ans(Nop)
      | Type.Array(Type.Float) ->
          Let((offset, Type.Int), SLL(y, C(3)),
              Ans(StDF(z, x, V(offset))))
      | Type.Array(_) ->
          Let((offset, Type.Int), SLL(y, C(2)),
              Ans(St(z, x, V(offset))))
      | _ -> assert false)
  | Closure.ExtArray(Id.L(x)) -> Ans(SetL(Id.L("min_caml_" ^ x)))

(* 関数の仮想マシンコード生成 *)
let h { = (Id.L(x), t); Closure.args = yts; Closure.formal_fv = zts; Closure.body = e } =
  let (int, float) = separate yts in
  let (offset, load) =
      (4, g (M.add x t (M.add_list yts (M.add_list zts M.empty))) e)
      (fun z offset load -> fletd(z, LdDF(reg_cl, C(offset)), load))
      (fun z t offset load -> Let((z, t), Ld(reg_cl, C(offset)), load)) in
  match t with
  | Type.Fun(_, t2) ->
      { name = Id.L(x); args = int; fargs = float; body = load; ret = t2 }
  | _ -> assert false

(* プログラム全体の仮想マシンコード生成 *)
let f (Closure.Prog(fundefs, e)) =
  data := [];
  let fundefs = h fundefs in
  let e = g M.empty e in
  Prog(!data, fundefs, e)


val f : Asm.prog -> Asm.prog

open Asm

let rec g env = function (* 命令列の13bit即値最適化 *)
  | Ans(exp) -> Ans(g' env exp)
  | Let((x, t), Set(i), e) when (-4096 <= i) && (i < 4096) ->
      (* Format.eprintf "found simm13 %s = %d@." x i; *)
      let e' = g (M.add x i env) e in
      if List.mem x (fv e') then Let((x, t), Set(i), e') else
      ((* Format.eprintf "erased redundant Set to %s@." x; *)
  | Let(xt, SLL(y, C(i)), e) when M.mem y env -> (* for array access *)
      (* Format.eprintf "erased redundant SLL on %s@." x; *)
      g env (Let(xt, Set((M.find y env) lsl i), e))
  | Let(xt, exp, e) -> Let(xt, g' env exp, g env e)
and g' env = function (* 各命令の13bit即値最適化 *)
  | Add(x, V(y)) when M.mem y env -> Add(x, C(M.find y env))
  | Add(x, V(y)) when M.mem x env -> Add(y, C(M.find x env))
  | Sub(x, V(y)) when M.mem y env -> Sub(x, C(M.find y env))
  | SLL(x, V(y)) when M.mem y env -> SLL(x, C(M.find y env))
  | Ld(x, V(y)) when M.mem y env -> Ld(x, C(M.find y env))
  | St(x, y, V(z)) when M.mem z env -> St(x, y, C(M.find z env))
  | LdDF(x, V(y)) when M.mem y env -> LdDF(x, C(M.find y env))
  | StDF(x, y, V(z)) when M.mem z env -> StDF(x, y, C(M.find z env))
  | IfEq(x, V(y), e1, e2) when M.mem y env -> IfEq(x, C(M.find y env), g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, V(y), e1, e2) when M.mem y env -> IfLE(x, C(M.find y env), g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfGE(x, V(y), e1, e2) when M.mem y env -> IfGE(x, C(M.find y env), g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfEq(x, V(y), e1, e2) when M.mem x env -> IfEq(y, C(M.find x env), g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, V(y), e1, e2) when M.mem x env -> IfGE(y, C(M.find x env), g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfGE(x, V(y), e1, e2) when M.mem x env -> IfLE(y, C(M.find x env), g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) -> IfEq(x, y', g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) -> IfLE(x, y', g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) -> IfGE(x, y', g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfFEq(x, y, g env e1, g env e2)
  | IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) -> IfFLE(x, y, g env e1, g env e2)
  | e -> e

let h { name = l; args = xs; fargs = ys; body = e; ret = t } = (* トップレベル関数の13bit即値最適化 *)
  { name = l; args = xs; fargs = ys; body = g M.empty e; ret = t }

let f (Prog(data, fundefs, e)) = (* プログラム全体の13bit即値最適化 *)
  Prog(data, h fundefs, g M.empty e)


val f : Asm.prog -> Asm.prog

open Asm

(* for register coalescing *)
(* [XXX] Callがあったら、そこから先は無意味というか逆効果なので追わない。
         そのために「Callがあったかどうか」を返り値の第1要素に含める。 *)
let rec target' src (dest, t) = function
  | Mov(x) when x = src && is_reg dest ->
      assert (t <> Type.Unit);
      assert (t <> Type.Float);
      false, [dest]
  | FMovD(x) when x = src && is_reg dest ->
      assert (t = Type.Float);
      false, [dest]
  | IfEq(_, _, e1, e2) | IfLE(_, _, e1, e2) | IfGE(_, _, e1, e2)
  | IfFEq(_, _, e1, e2) | IfFLE(_, _, e1, e2) ->
      let c1, rs1 = target src (dest, t) e1 in
      let c2, rs2 = target src (dest, t) e2 in
      c1 && c2, rs1 @ rs2
  | CallCls(x, ys, zs) ->
      true, (target_args src regs 0 ys @
             target_args src fregs 0 zs @
             if x = src then [reg_cl] else [])
  | CallDir(_, ys, zs) ->
      true, (target_args src regs 0 ys @
             target_args src fregs 0 zs)
  | _ -> false, []
and target src dest = function (* register targeting *)
  | Ans(exp) -> target' src dest exp
  | Let(xt, exp, e) ->
      let c1, rs1 = target' src xt exp in
      if c1 then true, rs1 else
      let c2, rs2 = target src dest e in
      c2, rs1 @ rs2
and target_args src all n = function (* auxiliary function for Call *)
  | [] -> []
  | y :: ys when src = y -> all.(n) :: target_args src all (n + 1) ys
  | _ :: ys -> target_args src all (n + 1) ys

type alloc_result = (* allocにおいてspillingがあったかどうかを表すデータ型 *)
  | Alloc of Id.t (* allocated register *)
  | Spill of Id.t (* spilled variable *)
let rec alloc dest cont regenv x t =
  (* allocate a register or spill a variable *)
  assert (not (M.mem x regenv));
  let all =
    match t with
    | Type.Unit -> ["%g0"] (* dummy *)
    | Type.Float -> allfregs
    | _ -> allregs in
  if all = ["%g0"] then Alloc("%g0") else (* [XX] ad hoc optimization *)
  if is_reg x then Alloc(x) else
  let free = fv cont in
    let (c, prefer) = target x dest cont in
    let live = (* 生きているレジスタ *)
        (fun live y ->
          if is_reg y then S.add y live else
          try S.add (M.find y regenv) live
          with Not_found -> live)
        free in
    let r = (* そうでないレジスタを探す *)
        (fun r -> not (S.mem r live))
        (prefer @ all) in
    (* Format.eprintf "allocated %s to %s@." x r; *)
  with Not_found ->
    Format.eprintf "register allocation failed for %s@." x;
    let y = (* 型の合うレジスタ変数を探す *)
        (fun y ->
          not (is_reg y) &&
          try List.mem (M.find y regenv) all
          with Not_found -> false)
        (List.rev free) in
    Format.eprintf "spilling %s from %s@." y (M.find y regenv);

(* auxiliary function for g and g'_and_restore *)
let add x r regenv =
  if is_reg x then (assert (x = r); regenv) else
  M.add x r regenv

(* auxiliary functions for g' *)
exception NoReg of Id.t * Type.t
let find x t regenv =
  if is_reg x then x else
  try M.find x regenv
  with Not_found -> raise (NoReg(x, t))
let find' x' regenv =
  match x' with
  | V(x) -> V(find x Type.Int regenv)
  | c -> c

let rec g dest cont regenv = function (* 命令列のレジスタ割り当て *)
  | Ans(exp) -> g'_and_restore dest cont regenv exp
  | Let((x, t) as xt, exp, e) ->
      assert (not (M.mem x regenv));
      let cont' = concat e dest cont in
      let (e1', regenv1) = g'_and_restore xt cont' regenv exp in
      (match alloc dest cont' regenv1 x t with
      | Spill(y) ->
          let r = M.find y regenv1 in
          let (e2', regenv2) = g dest cont (add x r (M.remove y regenv1)) e in
          let save =
            try Save(M.find y regenv, y)
            with Not_found -> Nop in            
          (seq(save, concat e1' (r, t) e2'), regenv2)
      | Alloc(r) ->
          let (e2', regenv2) = g dest cont (add x r regenv1) e in
          (concat e1' (r, t) e2', regenv2))
and g'_and_restore dest cont regenv exp = (* 使用される変数をスタックからレジスタへRestore *)
  try g' dest cont regenv exp
  with NoReg(x, t) ->
    ((* Format.eprintf "restoring %s@." x; *)
     g dest cont regenv (Let((x, t), Restore(x), Ans(exp))))
and g' dest cont regenv = function (* 各命令のレジスタ割り当て *)
  | Nop | Set _ | SetL _ | Comment _ | Restore _ as exp -> (Ans(exp), regenv)
  | Mov(x) -> (Ans(Mov(find x Type.Int regenv)), regenv)
  | Neg(x) -> (Ans(Neg(find x Type.Int regenv)), regenv)
  | Add(x, y') -> (Ans(Add(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv)), regenv)
  | Sub(x, y') -> (Ans(Sub(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv)), regenv)
  | SLL(x, y') -> (Ans(SLL(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv)), regenv)
  | Ld(x, y') -> (Ans(Ld(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv)), regenv)
  | St(x, y, z') -> (Ans(St(find x Type.Int regenv, find y Type.Int regenv, find' z' regenv)), regenv)
  | FMovD(x) -> (Ans(FMovD(find x Type.Float regenv)), regenv)
  | FNegD(x) -> (Ans(FNegD(find x Type.Float regenv)), regenv)
  | FAddD(x, y) -> (Ans(FAddD(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Float regenv)), regenv)
  | FSubD(x, y) -> (Ans(FSubD(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Float regenv)), regenv)
  | FMulD(x, y) -> (Ans(FMulD(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Float regenv)), regenv)
  | FDivD(x, y) -> (Ans(FDivD(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Float regenv)), regenv)
  | LdDF(x, y') -> (Ans(LdDF(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv)), regenv)
  | StDF(x, y, z') -> (Ans(StDF(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Int regenv, find' z' regenv)), regenv)
  | IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) as exp -> g'_if dest cont regenv exp (fun e1' e2' -> IfEq(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv, e1', e2')) e1 e2
  | IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) as exp -> g'_if dest cont regenv exp (fun e1' e2' -> IfLE(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv, e1', e2')) e1 e2
  | IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) as exp -> g'_if dest cont regenv exp (fun e1' e2' -> IfGE(find x Type.Int regenv, find' y' regenv, e1', e2')) e1 e2
  | IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) as exp -> g'_if dest cont regenv exp (fun e1' e2' -> IfFEq(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Float regenv, e1', e2')) e1 e2
  | IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) as exp -> g'_if dest cont regenv exp (fun e1' e2' -> IfFLE(find x Type.Float regenv, find y Type.Float regenv, e1', e2')) e1 e2
  | CallCls(x, ys, zs) as exp -> g'_call dest cont regenv exp (fun ys zs -> CallCls(find x Type.Int regenv, ys, zs)) ys zs
  | CallDir(l, ys, zs) as exp -> g'_call dest cont regenv exp (fun ys zs -> CallDir(l, ys, zs)) ys zs
  | Save(x, y) -> assert false
and g'_if dest cont regenv exp constr e1 e2 = (* ifのレジスタ割り当て *)
  let (e1', regenv1) = g dest cont regenv e1 in
  let (e2', regenv2) = g dest cont regenv e2 in
  let regenv' = (* 両方に共通のレジスタ変数だけ利用 *)
      (fun regenv' x ->
          if is_reg x then regenv' else
          let r1 = M.find x regenv1 in
          let r2 = M.find x regenv2 in
          if r1 <> r2 then regenv' else
          M.add x r1 regenv'
        with Not_found -> regenv')
      (fv cont) in
     (fun e x ->
       if x = fst dest || not (M.mem x regenv) || M.mem x regenv' then e else
       seq(Save(M.find x regenv, x), e)) (* そうでない変数は分岐直前にセーブ *)
     (Ans(constr e1' e2'))
     (fv cont),
and g'_call dest cont regenv exp constr ys zs = (* 関数呼び出しのレジスタ割り当て *)
     (fun e x ->
       if x = fst dest || not (M.mem x regenv) then e else
       seq(Save(M.find x regenv, x), e))
            ( (fun y -> find y Type.Int regenv) ys)
            ( (fun z -> find z Type.Float regenv) zs)))
     (fv cont),

let h { name = Id.L(x); args = ys; fargs = zs; body = e; ret = t } = (* 関数のレジスタ割り当て *)
  let regenv = M.add x reg_cl M.empty in
  let (i, arg_regs, regenv) =
      (fun (i, arg_regs, regenv) y ->
        let r = regs.(i) in
        (i + 1,
         arg_regs @ [r],
         (assert (not (is_reg y));
          M.add y r regenv)))
      (0, [], regenv)
      ys in
  let (d, farg_regs, regenv) =
      (fun (d, farg_regs, regenv) z ->
        let fr = fregs.(d) in
        (d + 1,
         farg_regs @ [fr],
         (assert (not (is_reg z));
          M.add z fr regenv)))
      (0, [], regenv)
      zs in
  let a =
    match t with
    | Type.Unit -> Id.gentmp Type.Unit
    | Type.Float -> fregs.(0)
    | _ -> regs.(0) in
  let (e', regenv') = g (a, t) (Ans(Mov(a))) regenv e in
  { name = Id.L(x); args = arg_regs; fargs = farg_regs; body = e'; ret = t }

let f (Prog(data, fundefs, e)) = (* プログラム全体のレジスタ割り当て *)
  Format.eprintf "register allocation: may take some time (up to a few minutes, depending on the size of functions)@.";
  let fundefs' = h fundefs in
  let e', regenv' = g (Id.gentmp Type.Unit, Type.Unit) (Ans(Nop)) M.empty e in
  Prog(data, fundefs', e')


val f : out_channel -> Asm.prog -> unit

open Asm

external gethi : float -> int32 = "gethi"
external getlo : float -> int32 = "getlo"

let stackset = ref S.empty (* すでにSaveされた変数の集合 *)
let stackmap = ref [] (* Saveされた変数の、スタックにおける位置 *)
let save x =
  stackset := S.add x !stackset;
  if not (List.mem x !stackmap) then
    stackmap := !stackmap @ [x]
let savef x =
  stackset := S.add x !stackset;
  if not (List.mem x !stackmap) then
    (let pad =
      if List.length !stackmap mod 2 = 0 then [] else [Id.gentmp Type.Int] in
    stackmap := !stackmap @ pad @ [x; x])
let locate x =
  let rec loc = function
    | [] -> []
    | y :: zs when x = y -> 0 :: succ (loc zs)
    | y :: zs -> succ (loc zs) in
  loc !stackmap
let offset x = 4 * List.hd (locate x)
let stacksize () = align ((List.length !stackmap + 1) * 4)

let pp_id_or_imm = function
  | V(x) -> x
  | C(i) -> string_of_int i

(* 関数呼び出しのために引数を並べ替える(register shuffling) *)
let rec shuffle sw xys =
  (* remove identical moves *)
  let _, xys = List.partition (fun (x, y) -> x = y) xys in
  (* find acyclic moves *)
  match List.partition (fun (_, y) -> List.mem_assoc y xys) xys with
  | [], [] -> []
  | (x, y) :: xys, [] -> (* no acyclic moves; resolve a cyclic move *)
      (y, sw) :: (x, y) :: shuffle sw (
                                           | (y', z) when y = y' -> (sw, z)
                                           | yz -> yz)
  | xys, acyc -> acyc @ shuffle sw xys

type dest = Tail | NonTail of Id.t (* 末尾かどうかを表すデータ型 *)
let rec g oc = function (* 命令列のアセンブリ生成 *)
  | dest, Ans(exp) -> g' oc (dest, exp)
  | dest, Let((x, t), exp, e) ->
      g' oc (NonTail(x), exp);
      g oc (dest, e)
and g' oc = function (* 各命令のアセンブリ生成 *)
  (* 末尾でなかったら計算結果をdestにセット *)
  | NonTail(_), Nop -> ()
  | NonTail(x), Set(i) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tset\t%d, %s\n" i x
  | NonTail(x), SetL(Id.L(y)) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tset\t%s, %s\n" y x
  | NonTail(x), Mov(y) when x = y -> ()
  | NonTail(x), Mov(y) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmov\t%s, %s\n" y x
  | NonTail(x), Neg(y) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tneg\t%s, %s\n" y x
  | NonTail(x), Add(y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tadd\t%s, %s, %s\n" y (pp_id_or_imm z') x
  | NonTail(x), Sub(y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tsub\t%s, %s, %s\n" y (pp_id_or_imm z') x
  | NonTail(x), SLL(y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tsll\t%s, %s, %s\n" y (pp_id_or_imm z') x
  | NonTail(x), Ld(y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tld\t[%s + %s], %s\n" y (pp_id_or_imm z') x
  | NonTail(_), St(x, y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tst\t%s, [%s + %s]\n" x y (pp_id_or_imm z')
  | NonTail(x), FMovD(y) when x = y -> ()
  | NonTail(x), FMovD(y) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" y x;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" (co_freg y) (co_freg x)
  | NonTail(x), FNegD(y) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfnegs\t%s, %s\n" y x;
      if x <> y then Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" (co_freg y) (co_freg x)
  | NonTail(x), FAddD(y, z) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tfaddd\t%s, %s, %s\n" y z x
  | NonTail(x), FSubD(y, z) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tfsubd\t%s, %s, %s\n" y z x
  | NonTail(x), FMulD(y, z) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmuld\t%s, %s, %s\n" y z x
  | NonTail(x), FDivD(y, z) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tfdivd\t%s, %s, %s\n" y z x
  | NonTail(x), LdDF(y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tldd\t[%s + %s], %s\n" y (pp_id_or_imm z') x
  | NonTail(_), StDF(x, y, z') -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tstd\t%s, [%s + %s]\n" x y (pp_id_or_imm z')
  | NonTail(_), Comment(s) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\t! %s\n" s
  (* 退避の仮想命令の実装 *)
  | NonTail(_), Save(x, y) when List.mem x allregs && not (S.mem y !stackset) ->
      save y;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tst\t%s, [%s + %d]\n" x reg_sp (offset y)
  | NonTail(_), Save(x, y) when List.mem x allfregs && not (S.mem y !stackset) ->
      savef y;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tstd\t%s, [%s + %d]\n" x reg_sp (offset y)
  | NonTail(_), Save(x, y) -> assert (S.mem y !stackset); ()
  (* 復帰の仮想命令の実装 *)
  | NonTail(x), Restore(y) when List.mem x allregs ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tld\t[%s + %d], %s\n" reg_sp (offset y) x
  | NonTail(x), Restore(y) ->
      assert (List.mem x allfregs);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tldd\t[%s + %d], %s\n" reg_sp (offset y) x
  (* 末尾だったら計算結果を第一レジスタにセットしてret *)
  | Tail, (Nop | St _ | StDF _ | Comment _ | Save _ as exp) ->
      g' oc (NonTail(Id.gentmp Type.Unit), exp);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tretl\n";
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n"
  | Tail, (Set _ | SetL _ | Mov _ | Neg _ | Add _ | Sub _ | SLL _ | Ld _ as exp) ->
      g' oc (NonTail(regs.(0)), exp);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tretl\n";
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n"
  | Tail, (FMovD _ | FNegD _ | FAddD _ | FSubD _ | FMulD _ | FDivD _ | LdDF _  as exp) ->
      g' oc (NonTail(fregs.(0)), exp);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tretl\n";
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n"
  | Tail, (Restore(x) as exp) ->
      (match locate x with
      | [i] -> g' oc (NonTail(regs.(0)), exp)
      | [i; j] when i + 1 = j -> g' oc (NonTail(fregs.(0)), exp)
      | _ -> assert false);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tretl\n";
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n"
  | Tail, IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmp\t%s, %s\n" x (pp_id_or_imm y');
      g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "be" "bne"
  | Tail, IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmp\t%s, %s\n" x (pp_id_or_imm y');
      g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "ble" "bg"
  | Tail, IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmp\t%s, %s\n" x (pp_id_or_imm y');
      g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "bge" "bl"
  | Tail, IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfcmpd\t%s, %s\n" x y;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
      g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "fbe" "fbne"
  | Tail, IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfcmpd\t%s, %s\n" x y;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
      g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 "fble" "fbg"
  | NonTail(z), IfEq(x, y', e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmp\t%s, %s\n" x (pp_id_or_imm y');
      g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "be" "bne"
  | NonTail(z), IfLE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmp\t%s, %s\n" x (pp_id_or_imm y');
      g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "ble" "bg"
  | NonTail(z), IfGE(x, y', e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcmp\t%s, %s\n" x (pp_id_or_imm y');
      g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "bge" "bl"
  | NonTail(z), IfFEq(x, y, e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfcmpd\t%s, %s\n" x y;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
      g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "fbe" "fbne"
  | NonTail(z), IfFLE(x, y, e1, e2) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfcmpd\t%s, %s\n" x y;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
      g'_non_tail_if oc (NonTail(z)) e1 e2 "fble" "fbg"
  (* 関数呼び出しの仮想命令の実装 *)
  | Tail, CallCls(x, ys, zs) -> (* 末尾呼び出し *)
      g'_args oc [(x, reg_cl)] ys zs;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tld\t[%s + 0], %s\n" reg_cl reg_sw;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tjmp\t%s\n" reg_sw;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n"
  | Tail, CallDir(Id.L(x), ys, zs) -> (* 末尾呼び出し *)
      g'_args oc [] ys zs;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tb\t%s\n" x;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n"
  | NonTail(a), CallCls(x, ys, zs) ->
      g'_args oc [(x, reg_cl)] ys zs;
      let ss = stacksize () in
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tst\t%s, [%s + %d]\n" reg_ra reg_sp (ss - 4);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tld\t[%s + 0], %s\n" reg_cl reg_sw;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcall\t%s\n" reg_sw;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tadd\t%s, %d, %s\t! delay slot\n" reg_sp ss reg_sp;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tsub\t%s, %d, %s\n" reg_sp ss reg_sp;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tld\t[%s + %d], %s\n" reg_sp (ss - 4) reg_ra;
      if List.mem a allregs && a <> regs.(0) then
        Printf.fprintf oc "\tmov\t%s, %s\n" regs.(0) a
      else if List.mem a allfregs && a <> fregs.(0) then
        (Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" fregs.(0) a;
         Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" (co_freg fregs.(0)) (co_freg a))
  | NonTail(a), CallDir(Id.L(x), ys, zs) ->
      g'_args oc [] ys zs;
      let ss = stacksize () in
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tst\t%s, [%s + %d]\n" reg_ra reg_sp (ss - 4);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tcall\t%s\n" x;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tadd\t%s, %d, %s\t! delay slot\n" reg_sp ss reg_sp;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tsub\t%s, %d, %s\n" reg_sp ss reg_sp;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tld\t[%s + %d], %s\n" reg_sp (ss - 4) reg_ra;
      if List.mem a allregs && a <> regs.(0) then
        Printf.fprintf oc "\tmov\t%s, %s\n" regs.(0) a
      else if List.mem a allfregs && a <> fregs.(0) then
        (Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" fregs.(0) a;
         Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" (co_freg fregs.(0)) (co_freg a))
and g'_tail_if oc e1 e2 b bn =
  let b_else = Id.genid (b ^ "_else") in
  Printf.fprintf oc "\t%s\t%s\n" bn b_else;
  Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
  let stackset_back = !stackset in
  g oc (Tail, e1);
  Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" b_else;
  stackset := stackset_back;
  g oc (Tail, e2)
and g'_non_tail_if oc dest e1 e2 b bn =
  let b_else = Id.genid (b ^ "_else") in
  let b_cont = Id.genid (b ^ "_cont") in
  Printf.fprintf oc "\t%s\t%s\n" bn b_else;
  Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
  let stackset_back = !stackset in
  g oc (dest, e1);
  let stackset1 = !stackset in
  Printf.fprintf oc "\tb\t%s\n" b_cont;
  Printf.fprintf oc "\tnop\n";
  Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" b_else;
  stackset := stackset_back;
  g oc (dest, e2);
  Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" b_cont;
  let stackset2 = !stackset in
  stackset := S.inter stackset1 stackset2
and g'_args oc x_reg_cl ys zs =
  let (i, yrs) =
      (fun (i, yrs) y -> (i + 1, (y, regs.(i)) :: yrs))
      (0, x_reg_cl)
      ys in
    (fun (y, r) -> Printf.fprintf oc "\tmov\t%s, %s\n" y r)
    (shuffle reg_sw yrs);
  let (d, zfrs) =
      (fun (d, zfrs) z -> (d + 1, (z, fregs.(d)) :: zfrs))
      (0, [])
      zs in
    (fun (z, fr) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" z fr;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\tfmovs\t%s, %s\n" (co_freg z) (co_freg fr))
    (shuffle reg_fsw zfrs)

let h oc { name = Id.L(x); args = _; fargs = _; body = e; ret = _ } =
  Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\n" x;
  stackset := S.empty;
  stackmap := [];
  g oc (Tail, e)

let f oc (Prog(data, fundefs, e)) =
  Format.eprintf "generating assembly...@.";
  Printf.fprintf oc ".section\t\".rodata\"\n";
  Printf.fprintf oc ".align\t8\n";
    (fun (Id.L(x), d) ->
      Printf.fprintf oc "%s:\t! %f\n" x d;
      Printf.fprintf oc "\t.long\t0x%lx\n" (gethi d);
      Printf.fprintf oc "\t.long\t0x%lx\n" (getlo d))
  Printf.fprintf oc ".section\t\".text\"\n";
  List.iter (fun fundef -> h oc fundef) fundefs;
  Printf.fprintf oc ".global\tmin_caml_start\n";
  Printf.fprintf oc "min_caml_start:\n";
  Printf.fprintf oc "\tsave\t%%sp, -112, %%sp\n"; (* from gcc; why 112? *)
  stackset := S.empty;
  stackmap := [];
  g oc (NonTail("%g0"), e);
  Printf.fprintf oc "\tret\n";
  Printf.fprintf oc "\trestore\n"

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